Main Blog, My Week

Weekly Recap 5.16.21 – 5.22.21

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! This week was pretty chill. From writing at least 10,000 words in my WIP to dissecting a fetal pig, I'd say it went pretty well! How about you? On Sunday, I woke up at the good early hour of 1:45 pm. Later that afternoon, I went… Continue reading Weekly Recap 5.16.21 – 5.22.21

Main Blog, My Week

Weekly Recap 5.9.21 – 5.15.21

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! From new nicknames at work to messing up my hamstring during gym class, I'd say that this week was pretty fun. Now, without further ado, I hope you enjoy my little recap! On Sunday, I woke up feeling sort of gross, which was a bummer because… Continue reading Weekly Recap 5.9.21 – 5.15.21

Main Blog, My Week

Weekly Recap 5.2.21 – 5.8.21

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! I hope you all had an AMAZING day full of joy and encouragement. This past week went by in a blur, and I'm honestly not sure if most of it even registered in my little brain. On… Continue reading Weekly Recap 5.2.21 – 5.8.21

Main Blog, My Week

Weekly Recap 4.25.21 – 5.1.21

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! This week was pretty lowkey. I was tired pretty much every day due to post-musical slumps, but overall it wasn't terrible! I suppose that's a good thing. On Sunday, I was super tired and sluggish when I woke up because of the crazy day on Saturday.… Continue reading Weekly Recap 4.25.21 – 5.1.21

Main Blog, My Week

Weekly Recap 4.18.21 – 4.24.21

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! Overall, this week was pretty chaotic, but it ended on a bittersweet note. I'm not sure what I'll do next week or even know what to do with myself. On Sunday, I had church, and afterward, I signed up for this year's Fairmont mission trip (you… Continue reading Weekly Recap 4.18.21 – 4.24.21

Main Blog, My Week

Weekly Recap 4.11.21 – 4.17.21

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! This week was super fast-paced, and I felt like I never sat down to breathe. Whew! However, I truly enjoyed some of the craziness and hope to breathe a bit more next week. On Sunday, I slept in and overall felt pretty slumpy about the day.… Continue reading Weekly Recap 4.11.21 – 4.17.21

Main Blog, My Week

Weekly Recap 4.4.21 – 4.10.21

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! This week was pretty slumpy, and I didn't feel too good about it, but at least it's over now. I had a few busy days this week where I wasn't home for about fifteen hours, and other days where I couldn't find enough to do. Nonetheless,… Continue reading Weekly Recap 4.4.21 – 4.10.21

Main Blog, My Week

Weekly Recap 3.28.21 – 4.3.21

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! Happy Easter! I had a pretty eventful week, and I got a lot done, resulting in me feeling pleasantly productive. Sunday was Palm Sunday! I went to church that morning and was actually very proud of my outfit... very random, I know, but I felt happy.… Continue reading Weekly Recap 3.28.21 – 4.3.21

Main Blog, My Week

Weekly Recap 3.21.21 – 3.27.21

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! This week was pretty eventful. I had musical rehearsal nearly every day and a few bonus events such as appointments and even a long, 14-hour day. It was also my first week without my sling, and it felt so liberating! On Sunday, I watched our church's… Continue reading Weekly Recap 3.21.21 – 3.27.21

Main Blog, My Week

Weekly Recap 3.14.21 – 3.20.21

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! This week I felt pretty busy and tired, but there were also many highlights and fun moments. It was my first week back at school after Spring Break and virtual week, and I'd say it went pretty well! On Sunday, I missed morning church again because… Continue reading Weekly Recap 3.14.21 – 3.20.21