Main Blog, Monthly Recaps

Festivities, Planning, and A Jolly Holiday // December 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! December was fair. I had a few things that disarranged my routine, so I fell behind, and I also continually felt like I was moving around and preparing for stuff. However, it was overall nice. From attending (and hosting) quite a few Christmas… Continue reading Festivities, Planning, and A Jolly Holiday // December 2022

Main Blog, Monthly Recaps

Going Places, Seeing Things, and Doing Stuff // September 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! This month was great. Between developing a proper schedule for myself and going to many fun festivals and events, I felt delighted. My word for this September 2022 is "joyous." - joyous - [ joi - uhs ] DEFINITION: joyful; happy; jubilant: via… Continue reading Going Places, Seeing Things, and Doing Stuff // September 2022

Main Blog, Monthly Recaps

A War, An Accident, and A Proposal // August 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! This month was nice and chill. Between getting more and more used to my job, to experiencing some pretty great stuff, it was swell. My word for August 2022 is "amicable." - amicable - [ am-i-kuh-buhl ] DEFINITION: characterized by or showing goodwill;… Continue reading A War, An Accident, and A Proposal // August 2022

Main Blog, Monthly Recaps

Another Year, A New Start, and Something Coming Soon… // July 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! This month was pretty rough, but it all shaped up in the end! Between worrying about finding a new job to actually finding a great new job, it was stressful, but in a good way. My word for July 2022 is "unexpected." -… Continue reading Another Year, A New Start, and Something Coming Soon… // July 2022

Main Blog, Monthly Recaps

A Medieval Evening, A New Start, and A Fun Trip // June 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! This month was honestly a breath of fresh air. Between quitting my job and then just simply finding myself in a good mental spot, it was really relieving. My word for June 2022 would be "rejuvenating." P.S. sorry this is so late, I… Continue reading A Medieval Evening, A New Start, and A Fun Trip // June 2022

Main Blog, Monthly Recaps

A New Language, A Rare Moon, and A Big Step // May 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! This month had either really good moments or really bad moments. I found myself in some pretty bad mindsets, but I also found myself enjoying life to a pretty high degree other times. Although, I suppose that's better than having all bad moments!… Continue reading A New Language, A Rare Moon, and A Big Step // May 2022

Main Blog, Monthly Recaps

Bittersweetness, Adventures, and Some Little Things // April 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! This month was pretty swell if I do say so myself. There were still times when I got upset over my job or had a rocky time at a social gathering, but I really enjoyed myself when things were going well, and I… Continue reading Bittersweetness, Adventures, and Some Little Things // April 2022

Main Blog, Monthly Recaps

A New Look, Lots of Friend Time, and A Big Decision // March 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! This month was alright. I didn't follow my routine very well, and I fell into a bad mental state due to stress and anxiety, but there were many times that I felt very happy. So, from getting a new 'do all the way… Continue reading A New Look, Lots of Friend Time, and A Big Decision // March 2022

Main Blog, Monthly Recaps

A Voice Recital, A Promotion, and Literally Nothing Else // February 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! This month was okay. I don't think I followed my routine very well and definitely fell off toward the end of the month. However, from getting a promotion at work to falling behind and feeling in the major slumps, this month was kinda… Continue reading A Voice Recital, A Promotion, and Literally Nothing Else // February 2022

Main Blog, Monthly Recaps

Hanging With Friends, A Break, and MAJOR Book Progress // January 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! This month was pretty great. I began actually following the routine I created for myself and did some MAJOR… stuff… I guess?? From finally decorating my room to getting CRAZY progress on my WIP, January was really awesome. I hope February brings the… Continue reading Hanging With Friends, A Break, and MAJOR Book Progress // January 2022