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The Imagination Tag!

Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening! A few weeks ago, I was tagged by the splendid PottahWand to participate in the Imagination Tag! (big thanks to her for that) It was started by the wonderful Simply Selena (psst… you should totally check the two lovely bloggers I’ve just linked), and I’m excited to be a part of this!

Before we go on…

>> Some Rules <<

  • Put the featured “Imagination Tag” image at the beginning of the post.
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Think of six questions to ask yourself.
  • Answer the question, “What’s going through your mind right now?”
  • Nominate as many people as you want!

>> My Questions <<

1 || Do You See Yourself Ever Stopping Blogging?

Absolutely not. I really hope not. Sometimes I find myself struggling to find movitation to, but I truly love blogging. I get to write about all sorts of different topics, create fun little graphics, organize how it’s all gonna be presented, I just love it. Not to mention, I’ve made quite a few blogger friends and love being tagged/nominated for tags like the Imagination Tag.

2 || What Is Your Current WIP?

My current WIP is the second book in my Juino book series (read more about it here!). Now, I’m working on publishing the first book, but I’ve been writing the third draft for the second book and I’m actually almost done with it!

3 || What Has Been Your Favorite Family Vacation?

I’m one of nine kids, so family vacations aren’t really a thing in my family… However back in 2020, we were invited to stay at a resort where one of our church family members had a time share (read more about that vacation here!). We stayed in Virginia for about a week and even visited the Monticello on our way home! It was a five-hour drive each way, but being stuck in a big ol’ van with my family was actually a lot more fun than I thought.

4 || How Long Have You Been Writing And When Did You Start?

My parents say that I’ve always been a storyteller, and I have distinct memories of my sisters and I handwriting books and stapling pages together. However, I think I seriously started writing around fifth or sixth grade. So, I’ve now been writing for about nine years… oh wow.

5 || What Memory (or two) Makes You Laugh The Most?

I have quite a few funny memories, actually. My house is a literal circus with 7-9, partly Italian kids, none of whom have any self-control. Also, we’re just loud, like, everyone is; it’s chaos. But anyway, one of my favorite memories that I still laugh at is when my older sister, me, and my younger sister (Briana) all shared a room. It was a little 12′ x 13′ room and we had our beds lined up like barracks or something. We would gather on my older sisters bed during bedtime to talk and fool around and when our parents would come to check on us, we would jump back to our beds. We were in age order, so I only had to jump to my bed, but Briana had to jump on my bed, then to hers. One night, however, we were jumping back to our beds and Briana overestimated her jump and literally smacked right into the wall. I’m literally chuckling as I write this.

6 || Are There Therapeutic Benefits To Modeling A Character After Someone You Know?

I don’t know about therapeutic, but it certainly can be helpful. I’ve based certain parts of some characters on certain parts of people I know. It helps to make that character more 3D and realistic because what you’re adding to them comes from a real person. The word “therapuetic” makes me think of weird “voodoo” sort of stuff like, “oh, I’m mad at you, lemme kill you off in my book,” like, okay, chill out, you psychopath. I don’t think it’s quite “therapeutic” but rather it’s helpful to make your characters more realistic and well-rounded.

BONUS || What’s Going Through Your Mind Right Now?

Nothing much. I’m kinda multitasking right now, playing the Sims, writing this post, listening to music, thinking about some work I’ll have to do later today, also the fact that I have to take a shower and I have a cold which makes my nose/throat feel weird and I think I’m losing my voice. But other than all that, there’s not much going on in my ol’ hunker-thunker.

>> Who I’m Nominating <<

Jennifer of My Book Joy

Bree of Laughs and Literature

Evin of A Curly Sue’s Ramblings

Have fun!

There you go! I hope you found this post entertaining or insightful. Feel free to answer some of these questions in the comments below. I wish you a wonderful rest of your day or night. Keep on inspiring others and giving yourself some love!

>> every day holds something enchanting <<

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